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Our Learning

St Clement of Rome Primary School Bulleen

Love One Another is our school motto. It captures the basis of who we aim to be. At St Clement’s we provide experiences for the celebration of our faith through life, scripture, liturgy and tradition. Our motto permeates all areas of the curriculum, bringing together many aspects of life and integrating them into a context of faith.

At St Clement of Rome we:  


  • Choose a scripture focus at each grade level which becomes the grade level’s Gospel value. This provides a lens for our sacramental program and is the foundation from which the class operates for the year.

  • Aim to integrate our learning about our faith with the way we live out our lives.

  • Prepare our children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation

  • Celebrate a level Mass every term with our families

  • Celebrate liturgical seasons and feasts with the parish community eg Ash Wednesday

  • Offer the children the opportunity to sing with the school choir.

  • Use a variety of resources including ‘Coming to Know Worship and Love’ and the ‘Religious Education Framework’ to plan our units of work.

  • Work in collaboration with staff across the school to ensure continuity of faith development. 

  • Offer our parents opportunities to reflect on their faith journey through parent education evenings.


Education in Faith

The staff at St Clement of Rome are at the cutting edge of the latest education research.  We are informed by the Science of Learning.


The Science of Learning research seeks to understand how students learn and the underlying cognitive, neural, and social processes involved in learning. It draws on insights from various disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, education, computer science, linguistics, and sociology to uncover the mechanisms and principles that govern learning.


Key areas of study within the Science of Learning include:

  1. Cognitive processes: Investigating how memory, attention, perception, problem-solving, and decision-making contribute to learning.

  2. Neuroscience of learning: Examining the neural mechanisms underlying learning, including brain structures and processes involved in acquiring, storing, and retrieving information.

  3. Educational psychology: Exploring how learning occurs in educational settings, including factors such as motivation, metacognition, and individual differences in learning styles and abilities.

  4. Developmental psychology: Studying how learning abilities and processes change over the lifespan, from infancy through adulthood.

  5. Social and cultural factors: Considering the influence of social interactions, cultural contexts, and environmental factors on learning outcomes and educational practices.

  6. Technology and learning: Investigating the role of technology, including digital tools, simulations, and online platforms, in enhancing learning experiences and outcomes.


Anchored by the Science of Learning, we are informed on the latest educational practices, curriculum design, instructional strategies, and the development of interventions to improve learning outcomes for our students.

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Science of Learning

The staff at St Clement of Rome are at the cutting edge of the latest education research.  We are informed by the Science of Learning.


The Science of Learning research seeks to understand how students learn and the underlying cognitive, neural, and social processes involved in learning. It draws on insights from various disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, education, computer science, linguistics, and sociology to uncover the mechanisms and principles that govern learning.


Key areas of study within the Science of Learning include:

  1. Cognitive processes: Investigating how memory, attention, perception, problem-solving, and decision-making contribute to learning.

  2. Neuroscience of learning: Examining the neural mechanisms underlying learning, including brain structures and processes involved in acquiring, storing, and retrieving information.

  3. Educational psychology: Exploring how learning occurs in educational settings, including factors such as motivation, metacognition, and individual differences in learning styles and abilities.

  4. Developmental psychology: Studying how learning abilities and processes change over the lifespan, from infancy through adulthood.

  5. Social and cultural factors: Considering the influence of social interactions, cultural contexts, and environmental factors on learning outcomes and educational practices.

  6. Technology and learning: Investigating the role of technology, including digital tools, simulations, and online platforms, in enhancing learning experiences and outcomes.


Anchored by the Science of Learning, we are informed on the latest educational practices, curriculum design, instructional strategies, and the development of interventions to improve learning outcomes for our students.

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In Literacy at St Clement of Rome we provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge of Reading, Writing and Oral Language to enable them to fully participate in their world.

At St Clement of Rome we:

  • collaboratively plan and implement a structured and comprehensive literacy program P-6 with explicit teaching of knowledge and skills in Reading, Writing and Oral Language

  • integrate literacy where possible in our inquiry units to ensure our experiences are real, hands on and challenging for our students

  • provide literacy support to classroom teachers and students to improve teaching and learning

  • utilise current technology and resources to enhance our programs and assist in providing students with skills for the future

  • nurture a love of literature through sharing quality books and stories

  • use ongoing assessment to inform and plan for individual student needs

  • provide literacy support P-6 for those students in need

Literacy conventionally refers to reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and listening effectively in a range of contexts. In the 21st century, the definition of literacy has expanded to refer to a flexible, sustainable mastery of a set of capabilities in the use and production of traditional texts and new communications technologies using spoken language, print and multimedia.


Students need to be able to adjust and modify their use of language to better meet contextual demands in varying situations.

Students will learn how language enables people to interact effectively, to build and maintain their relationships, and to express and exchange their knowledge, skills, attitudes, feelings, and opinions.



In learning mathematics at St Clement of Rome we provide students with mathematical skills and knowledge in Number, Algebra, Space, Measurement, Statistics, Probability. There is also a focus on the mathematical proficiencies of understanding, reasoning, fluency and problem solving. 


We develop the students numeracy capabilities to deal confidently and competently with daily life. We encourage students to become self-motivated, confident learners through inquiry and active participation in challenging and engaging experiences. 

At St Clement's our maths lessons:

  • include open ended tasks where children are thinking, reasoning and communicating

  • support and enrich children in their learning

  • develop children's number sense and understanding of number concepts and operations

  • encourage children to talk about their learning during maths tasks

  • provide opportunities for children to reflect on their learning through sharing and reflection time at the conclusion of each lesson

  • use materials and technology to support children in their learning

  • link mathematics to real life experiences and investigations 

  • use ongoing assessment to inform our teaching and plan for individual student needs

  • are creative, fun and challenging

At St Clement of Rome we believe that all learners can achieve success in mathematics. Students need a strong foundation in mathematics with opportunities to transfer their knowledge to other learning areas and the wider world. 


Concept Learning

Learning through Inquiry based on a concept is a dynamic process that engages students in exploring, questioning, and investigating a specific idea or topic. At St Clement of Rome we follow the following process:


  1. Introduction to the Concept: Begin by introducing the concept or idea that students will be exploring. We tune students in through a brief lecture, reading material, multimedia presentation, or hands-on demonstration.

  2. Questioning Phase: We encourage students to ask questions related to the concept. These questions can be open-ended and can cover various aspects of the concept, such as its definition, significance, applications, and implications.

  3. Research and Investigation: Students are provided with opportunities to conduct research and investigate the concept further. This can include readings, online resources, experiments, case studies, interviews, and excursions. We encourage students to gather information, analyse data, and draw connections between different aspects of the concept.

  4. Reflection and Synthesis: Students reflect on their learning and synthesise their findings. This could involve discussions, written reflections, presentations, or multimedia projects where students articulate what they have learned and how it relates to the concept.

  5. Application and Extension: Students apply their learning to real-world situations or to explore related concepts in greater depth. This could involve designing solutions to problems, conducting further research, or exploring related topics.

  6. Assessment and Feedback: Student learning is assessed through a variety of methods, such as quizzes, tests, projects, presentations, or portfolios. We provide constructive feedback to help students improve their understanding and skills.


Hands-on and practical activities that allow students to explore the concept in a tangible way are applied regularly throughout a unit of work. We foster collaboration among students by encouraging them to work together in small groups or pairs. Collaboration allows students to share ideas, discuss findings, and learn from each other's perspectives.


By following this framework, students can engage in inquiry-based learning that is  centred around a specific concept, allowing them to develop a deep understanding of the concept while also honing their critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.



The Reggio Emilia approach is an innovative educational philosophy that originated in the town of Reggio Emilia, Italy. It emphasizes child-led learning, collaboration, and the importance of the environment in shaping children's experiences. Here's how teachers effectively apply the Reggio Emilia Discovery approach in their classrooms:


  1. Child-Centered Learning: Teachers recognize children as capable and resourceful learners. They observe children's interests, questions, and ideas, and then design learning experiences that build upon these. This approach values the unique contributions of each child and allows them to take an active role in their learning process.

  2. Environment as the Third Teacher: In Reggio Emilia-inspired classrooms, the physical environment is considered as important as the teachers and students themselves. Teachers create inviting, flexible, and aesthetically pleasing spaces that stimulate children's curiosity and encourage exploration. Materials are carefully selected to provoke inquiry and provide opportunities for creativity and expression.

  3. Documentation and Reflection: Teachers document children's learning experiences through photographs, videos, written observations, and children's work samples. This documentation serves multiple purposes: it helps teachers understand children's thinking processes, it communicates children's learning to parents and other stakeholders, and it provides a basis for reflection and planning future learning experiences.

  4. Collaboration and Communication: Teachers foster a sense of community within the classroom and encourage collaboration among children. They facilitate meaningful discussions, group activities, and opportunities for children to share their ideas and perspectives.

  5. Flexibility and Emergent Curriculum: The Reggio Emilia approach values flexibility and responsiveness to children's changing interests and needs. Teachers adapt their plans and activities based on ongoing observations and interactions with children.

  6. Professional Development and Collaboration: Teachers engage in professional development to deepen their understanding of the Reggio Emilia approach and refine their practices. They collaborate with colleagues, attend conferences, and engage in reflective practices to continuously improve their teaching and support children's learning effectively.


By incorporating these principles and practices into their classrooms, teachers can effectively apply the Reggio Emilia Discovery approach to create rich, engaging, and meaningful learning experiences for children.


Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

At St. Clement of Rome, we believe in fostering the whole child. Beyond academic excellence, we are committed to equipping them with the essential skills to navigate life's challenges with resilience and empathy. Central to this mission is our explicit focus on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum.


What is SEL?

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) where children are taught the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.


The Benefits of SEL Curriculum

At St. Clement of Rome, we recognize the profound impact of SEL on the overall well-being and success of our students. Here are some of the key benefits of integrating SEL into our curriculum:

  1. Enhanced Academic Performance: Research has shown that students who participate in SEL programs demonstrate improved academic performance, including higher grades and standardized test scores.

  2. Improved Social Skills: SEL equips students with the skills to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts constructively, and collaborate with their peers, fostering a positive and inclusive school culture.

  3. Emotional Regulation: By learning to recognize and manage their emotions, students develop resilience and coping strategies to navigate stress, anxiety, and other challenges both inside and outside the classroom.

  4. Empathy and Compassion: SEL fosters empathy and compassion towards others, promoting a culture of kindness, respect, and understanding among students and staff.

  5. Positive Relationships: SEL helps students cultivate meaningful relationships with their peers, teachers, and family members, contributing to a sense of belonging and connectedness within the school community.


Our Approach to SEL at St. Clement of Rome

At St. Clement of Rome, SEL is integrated into every aspect of our school environment, from our classroom instruction to our extracurricular activities. Through explicit SEL lessons, collaborative projects, and community service initiatives, we empower students to become confident, compassionate, and responsible individuals who are prepared to thrive in an ever-changing world.


Join Us on the SEL Journey

We invite you to join us on this journey of Social and Emotional Learning at St. Clement of Rome. Together, let us nurture the hearts and minds of our students, empowering them to become resilient leaders and compassionate global citizens.

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Digital Technology

Digital Technology is fundamental to preparing our students for a rapidly evolving technological future. We believe Digital Technology:


  • enables our students to access, manage, process and present information

  • empowers students by providing access to local and global sources in an ever-changing world

  • enables learners to communicate, gather information, develop new thinking skills and problem solve both individually and collaboratively

  • provides opportunities to cater for individual learning styles

  • enables students to present digital portfolio assessments


At St Clement of Rome, students and staff have regular access to technology resources. Our students are provided with a variety of opportunities to process, manage and communicate effectively and efficiently through multimedia.



“Science is necessary for everyone to understand the world around them.”


At St. Clement of Rome, we inspire students from Prep to Year 6 to bring their natural curiosity, imagination, and sense of wonder into our vibrant Science classroom each week. Our goal is to cultivate their innate curiosity, foster wonder, and ignite their passion for understanding the world around them.


Our Science curriculum is designed around two key strands: Science Understanding and Science Inquiry Skills. These strands work in tandem to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop a scientific perspective on the world. Under the Science Understanding umbrella, students explore four main content areas: Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Earth and Space Science. Meanwhile, the Science Inquiry Strand empowers students to engage in various scientific inquiry methods, including questioning, planning, conducting experiments, and reflecting on their findings.


We believe that scientific skills should be woven into all aspects of school life, not confined solely to the Science classroom. Therefore, our Science program seamlessly integrates STEM concepts and sustainability initiatives across different subjects.


At St. Clement of Rome, sustainability is a paramount focus, especially within the realm of Science. We aim to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to contribute meaningfully to a more sustainable future.


Our Science curriculum encourages students to explore and understand the world through critical and creative thinking. They learn to make predictions, express their understanding in various formats, and engage in hands-on activities where they hypothesise, investigate,enquire  and reflect on their findings. We also encompass digital technologies, to enhance research capabilities and facilitate the creation and sharing of work.


Physical Education

At St Clement of Rome Primary School the emphasis of our Physical Education program is on enjoyment, participation, skill development, and fitness; the major aim is to establish a love of physical activity which will continue into secondary school and beyond.


All classes participate in weekly lessons, where they have the opportunity to develop their motor skills through fun and engaging games and activities.  Skills such as teamwork, cooperation and good sportsmanship are also a main focus. Physical Education classes are structured to cater for students of varying abilities through stimulating and challenging activities in an inclusive environment.


In the early years, Physical Education is based on the development of fundamental skills (running, dodging, catching and throwing, kicking, body movement and control) while building a positive association with games and spatial awareness.  Students also partake in a comprehensive swimming program.


As students move into the middle and senior year levels of the school, the variety of sports and activities available to them significantly increases. Students and/or teams who excel at this level are also given the opportunity to further test their abilities through district, regional, state and national competitions in School Sport Victoria (SSV) programs in cross country, swimming, athletics and other sports.  Senior Students also participate in weekly Summer and Winter interschool sports.


Through the whole school athletics carnival students establish strong connections and learn to value the individual contributions that each makes to the success of the collective. 


Physical Education classes take place in our state of the art gymnasium space given students access to the finest of facilities.


Visual Arts

At St Clement Of Rome the Visual Arts Program is taught in line with the Victorian Curriculum and is implemented at all levels. The Visual Arts curriculum focuses on Creating and Making and Exploring and Responding.


Through our program students have the opportunity to express their knowledge, ideas and feelings in an individual and expressive way as well as responding to the artwork of others. Visual Arts encompasses both creation and art appreciation, in association with developing the language of Visual Arts.  


We aim to develop a strong artistic sense of aesthetic appreciation, skills and technique and ranges of different media. Students are encouraged to share their thoughts, observations and feelings as they learn to explore their creativity and imagination, through a skills based program. This supports the process of art making and through modelling and coaching students are given the opportunity to experiment with a  variety of media including painting, ceramics, textiles, printmaking, collage and construction.


Students develop their visual language and  learn how to incorporate the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design in Art. The Elements of Art include colour, value, line, space, texture and shape. The Principles of Design consist of, rhythm and movement, pattern, proportion, emphasis, variety, unity and balance. Students explore traditional, contemporary and evolving visual conventions used in artworks of diverse styles and composition.


Students study various artworks of Australian and international artists that range from cultures and historical periods to inspire their own creation. This serves to enhance their own awareness of art appreciation.

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At St Clement of Rome we pride ourselves on implementing an engaging and effective Italian language program.  We balance fun, interactive activities with structured learning objectives. Here's how our program is structured:


  1. Italian Culture: By introducing students to Italian culture, including famous landmarks, traditional foods, music, and art we help to create interest and context for learning the language.

  2. Basic Vocabulary and Phrases: We begin with simple vocabulary related to everyday objects, greetings, numbers, colors, and common phrases. 

  3. Interactive Activities: Our program incorporates interactive activities such as role-playing, games, singing songs and group exercises to practice speaking and listening skills. Encourage students to engage in conversations with their peers using the Italian they've learned.

  4. Grammar and Sentence Structure: Children are introduced to basic grammar concepts gradually, focusing on simple sentence structures, verb conjugations, and word order. Use clear explanations and examples to help students understand how the language works.


By implementing these elements into the curriculum, St Clement of Rome students can develop a solid foundation in Italian language and culture.



St Clement of Rome offers a Performing Arts program which integrates music, drama, and dance into the curriculum. We provide opportunities for students to explore their creativity, develop confidence, and collaborate with peers. The program includes both structured lessons and opportunities for student-led projects and performances, fostering a well-rounded appreciation for the performing arts.


Sing, Play, Connect and Compose with Songs:

  • Students engage in singing songs from different genres and learn the elements of music in an engaging and creative way. Using their imagination, voices and percussion instruments, they create their own compositions in an age appropriate, fun way.  


Many opportunities for performance occur throughout the year, which develop students’ confidence and skills and are highly attended by eager students.


Discover the Melodies with the Recorder:

  • Students can unlock the magic of music with our recorder program! We delve into the fundamentals of music theory and performance while mastering the art of playing this timeless instrument. Whether it's mastering classic melodies or experimenting with contemporary tunes, students develop their musical skills and appreciation in a supportive and enriching environment.


Harmonize with the School Choir:

  • The harmonious community of voices in the school choir is simply incredible! Students of all vocal abilities are welcomed to join as they explore the beauty of choral music. Under the guidance of our talented music teacher, students learn vocal techniques, ensemble dynamics, and the joy of creating music together. Liturgical and secular music optimise these wonderful learning experiences.


Express Yourself through Dance:

  • Students will feel the rhythm and let their spirit soar with our dance program! From folk dance to hip-hop, students explore a variety of dance styles and techniques while discovering the joy of movement. 


Appreciate the World of Classical Music:

Students will explore the beauty, harmony and emotion of classical music by listening to the intriguing melodies and rhythms and hearing the different instruments and dynamics each musical performance presents.


At St Clement of Rome, we empower students to embrace their creativity and pursue their passions.

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